:: MakinG Progress #LegalTrillOG ::
:: 100 + 21 New Pages & Counting ::
:: Planning To Publish Complaint ::
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:: True OG Glitch Jedi Master ::
+ About RRP + Media Kits & Got VC? +
+ Real Revolution & @WeedConnection +
#Enlightened #OG @RussellRope
:: Got Justice? ::
:: Legal Trill OG Victory ::
:: Or Real Revolution Resumes? ::
:: Subscribe Here/@RR.com/BLOG ::
:: Connect @ Social Media @ RR ::
:: Social Web Stats Lie FYI ::
:: True OG Glitch Jedi Master ::
+ About RRP + Media Kits & Got VC? +
+ Real Revolution & @WeedConnection +
#USA :: #OG @RussellRope

:: USA Needs Corruption Reform ::
:: Very Undecided Politics Log ::
:: #FreeTheWeed @WeedConnection ::
<--^{:: #Follow @RussellRope ::}^-->
+ About RRP + Media Kits & Got VC? +
+ Real Revolution & @WeedConnection +
#Sabotage @instaGram @Facebook :: #OG @RussellRope
:: Read Info/Comments @instaGram ::
:: Read Case #LA-CV14-04900 ::
:: Read #Defense #Blog ::
:: #LegalTrillOG ::
<--^{:: #Evidence @RussellRope ::}^-->
+ About RRP + Media Kits & Got VC? +
+ Real Revolution & @WeedConnection +
#PresidentsDay #2016 :: #OG @RussellRope
Hempy Presidents' Day! This month hosts birthdays for two of our greatest freedom fighters; Honest Abe Lincoln was not only all about the truth, but he also enjoyed blazing, and George Washington was a revolutionary warlord who farmed hemp. These founding fathers would support #FreeTheOG & #Real #Revolution.
More Presidents who blazed and/or grew hemp include: Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Franklin Pierce, Zachary Taylor, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.
FYI :: #GOPDebate was more entertaining than #DemDebate, but we rock the vote #iNdependent steez #FreeTheWeed @WeedConnection
<--^{:: #Follow @RussellRope ::}^-->
+ About RRP + Media Kits & Got VC? +
+ Real Revolution & @WeedConnection +
#PresidentsDay #2015 :: #OG @RussellRope
Hempy Presidents' Day! This month hosts birthdays of two of our favorite presidents. Both freedom fighters, Honest Abe Lincoln was not only all about the truth, but he also enjoyed blazing, and George Washington was a revolutionary warlord who farmed hemp. These founding fathers would probably support @RussellRope++ in the #Real #Revolution & @WeedConnection
More Presidents who blazed and/or grew hemp include: Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Franklin Pierce, Zachary Taylor, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. #FreeTheWeed @WeedConnection
<--^{:: #Follow @RussellRope ::}^-->
+ About RRP + Media Kits & Got VC? +
+ Real Revolution & @WeedConnection +
#Real #Eyes #Realize #Real #Lies :: #True #OG @RussellRope

:: #OG Sees Through The Treez ::
:: Constantly Conscious *#ESP ::
:: No Lies @ RR; Just Honesty ::
:: Who Wants To Create/Shoot? ::
<--^{:::: #OG @RussellRope ::::}^-->
+ About RRP + Media Kits & Got VC? +
+ Real Revolution & @WeedConnection +
#Return of the #REAL #Revolution #OG @RussellRope
Real Revolution Update: Russell Rope was illegally abducted by some corrupt pigs last month. Their lies almost took his life and caused an unwarranted eviction upon his escape. Russell quickly found a temporary home, caught up with missed work, adjusted to the move and is in his groove. Filed a case today for return of property stolen by the popo. Filing additional complaints, writing to politicians again, and updating the book bomb. Russell demands immediate, honest, and open communication, then conflict resolution, or his legal wrath/vigilante justice has no mercy. This is the truth as always. More information in queue.
+ About RRP + Media Kits & Got VC? +
+ Real Revolution & @WeedConnection +
>>>> Real Revolution Archive <<<< >>>> /whois Real Revolution? <<<<
#PresidentsDay #2014 #OG @RussellRope
Today is Presidents’ Day and this month hosts birthdays of two of our favorite presidents. Honest Abe Lincoln was about the truth and he enjoyed blazing. George Washington was a revolutionary warlord who farmed hemp. Both of these founding fathers would probably support @RussellRope++ in the #Real #Revolution & @WeedConnection
More Presidents who blazed and/or grew hemp include: Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Franklin Pierce, Zachary Taylor, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. #FreeTheWeed
#Real #Revolution #OG @RusselllRope
Can you handle the truth? Real deals in facts: it is a civil conspiracy; not a theory. As many of you know, for years several Internet and technology companies plus people of relation @RussellRope have been trying to sabotage professional and personal life in effort to control and out of greed. Documenting everything since day one, a sovereign Russell is running that tight velvet rope through a crossfire of the information, media, drug, sex, religious, and turf wars. Straight up defending his positions against a constant barrage of fear mongers, fraud, harassment, slanderous character attacks, vandalism, theft, espionage, physical assault, death threats, copycats of it all and then some, time for change is overdue plus interest. As you best believe it comes with the territory, much of this behavior has been temporarily tolerated, but consider this a fair and general warning to the opposition: Surrender to and support of RRP++ is advised because the alternative is a lie growing to be despised. Reality, realizes, real lies, besides all claims are both logged with clear and convincing evidence, and/or have been reported. Preference is to reward or ignore over dealing in court where kings can lose crowns and injunctions are won. Additionally, Russell is 100 copyrighted pages deep into writing the first draft of his first book and screen play, which he is going to produce and direct before publishing. Moving forward with all ventures as planned and recruiting. Join up, army plus won @RussellRope++