Russell Rope has a RGB Dream (Red, Green, Blue). Someone recently said my color is black. Others would color me green. If you want to get into theory I could also be labeled red or painted “light blue,” but let’s get technical with the RGB on your LCD. RGB is all colors are my colors. Not like a rainbow; default black and so much more gnar.
First blog post of the year, which randomly happens to be MLKing Day. He was a hero of mine in fourth grade. Skywalker & Yoda were somewhere on that list. That year I wrote a research report on King…and Star Wars. Following up on the Steve Jobs post–halfway through reading his biography, which was put on hold. Working hard and very focused. Huge release announcement :::COMiNG SOON:::
Respect this video and cheers to two owe won two.
Software piracy is wrong. Star Wars themed burlesque is right. The only exception for WaReZ is for the starving and ethical hacker who needs it on the front. This video was possibly shot before we did indeed get permission. The original edit was possibly cut on some warez a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. RRP made good on the possible front and owns legal licenses to all of our software. Star Warez Burlesque presented by :: Event produced & created by friends of RRP. Thnx CF!