Mac Pro Chrome Startup

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A tip for Mac users: If you have certain applications, which you regularly use and have to load up every time you boot your comp, or if there are programs that you don’t want to load when you boot up: Click on Apple Icon top left corner > System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Items.

Google Chrome has similar settings for loading multiple homepages on startup: Click on Chrome next to Apple Icon > Preferences > On Startup > Use Current Pages. Now they need to make it so we can have it load multiple tabs in multiple windows. It’s great how most of the apps remember their window sizes and locations.

RRP Dual Monitor Desktop Setup
RRP Dual Monitor Desktop Setup

Running Lion

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Just upgraded OS to Lion & reconfigured a bunch of ish. Really like the way you can push content around and the new swipe feature. Playing with some mobile application development amongst other projects. Had to upgrade in order to download XCode 421. Check out the mobile sites we are working on for:

XCode 421 RRP iPhone App
XCode 421 RRP iPhone App