:: Went Back To Court Today ::
<-^{: Legally #OG @RussellRope :}^->
+ About RRP + Media Kits & Got VC? +
+ Real Revolution & @WeedConnection +
:: Went Back To Court Today ::
<-^{: Legally #OG @RussellRope :}^->
+ About RRP + Media Kits & Got VC? +
+ Real Revolution & @WeedConnection +
<--^{:: #Legally #OG @RussellRope++ ::}^–>
+ About RRP/Resume + Media Kits & Got VC?++ +
+ Real Revolution (Advances) + #Kush @WeedConnection +
:: Please Sign & Share All Three Petitions ::
1. Legalize Recreational Cannabis & Industrial Hemp + Free MJ POWs
2. Legalize Medical Cannabis + Free MMJ POWs
3. Free All MMJ & MJ POWs / Pardon the Mackenzie Family
<--^{:: #Legally #OG @RussellRope++ ::}^–>
+ About RRP/Resume + Media Kits & Got VC?++ +
+ Real Revolution (Advances) + #Kush @WeedConnection +
:: Previous Plead Felt Heavy Like A Loaded Gun::
:: This Won Has Weight Of An Armed Warhead ::
:: To Be Filed Under Seal & In Pro Per ::
<--^{:: Legally #OG @RussellRope++ ::}^–>
+ About RRP/Resume + Media Kits & Got VC?++ +
+ Real Revolution (Advances) + #Kush @WeedConnection +
<--^{:::: #True #OG @RussellRope ::::}^-->
+ About RRP/Resume + Media Kits & Got VC?++ +
+ Real Revolution (Advances) + Got Dabs? @WeedConnection +
<--^{:: Legally OG @RussellRope++ ::}^-->
+ About RRP/Resume + Media Kits & Got VC?++ +
+ Real Revolution (Advances) + #Kush @WeedConnection +
Won first confidential legal actions today at no cost in pro per @RussellRope
Consider this a final warning to make peace before the perfect storm.
<–^{:: Legally OG @RussellRope++ ::}^–>
+ About RRP/Resume + Media Kits & Got VC?++ +
+ Real Revolution (Advances) + #Kush @WeedConnection +
DomainNameInDispute is a new mainstream digital publication with an emphasis on, but not limited to technology, arts, and lifestyle. This publication has been planned for years, fully functional prototype developed in January, and launch has been delayed since February due to both “civil fraud” and “civil conspiracy” connected to a domain name dispute. Someone is obstructing justice while we are still seeking legal representation.
DomainNameInDispute is powered by a new Content Management System (CMS), which is an upgraded version of the Weed Connection CMS. Additionally, the new CMS and DomainNameInDispute are integrated with innovative new media and video publishing technology. We are always producing, publishing, and expanding @RussellRope and @WeedConnection.