#Politics :: #OG @RussellRope

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:: Registered Independent @ $RRP ::


9/24/19 :: #NationalVoterRegistrationDay
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2018 :: iVoted

Busy AF on the go since sunrise need to update the following later....

RR BALLOT #2018 (CA)
* Intelligent discussion and debate welcome.
** Kinda undecided on a few of these....
*** Would explain if I had more time.
**** Feel welcome to try and change RR mind with good reason.
***** Or copy votes if you did not have time to research, but check back...
****** Email: russ@russellrope.com

:: Make iNformed Choices ::
:: Nonpartisan Voter Guides ::
:: @ USA.gov | @ CA.gov ::

PROP 10 - NO

U.S. Senate - KL
Governor - JC
Lt. Governor - EH
SoS - MM
Controller - KR
Treasurer - GC
Insurance Comm -SP
Superintendent – TT


RR BALLOT #2016 (CA)
* Intelligent discussion and debate welcome.
** Try to change RR mind if you disagree.



YES Trump :: NO Clinton
* Made game time decision to vote for change (being deciding factor)
** Also voted for #FreeTheWeed etc.
*** Voted correctly in every eligible election.
**** Burn E would have beat Trump, if you did not debate then do not hate.... on RR vote.


YES Sanchez :: NO Harris worse than neglected duties regarding RR case(s).


YES Wright :: NO Lieu neglected responsibility regarding RR case(s).
*Still registered to vote in the district where the parents live.

(more candidates possibly in queue; wifi issues)


NO 51 :: School Bonds. Funding for K-12 School and Community College Facilities. Initiative Statute.
*Not planning to have kids that would be school age and affected by this.

YES 52 :: Medi-Cal Hospital Fee Program. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.
*Public health care is important.

YES 53 :: Revenue Bonds. Statewide Voter Approval. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.
*That is a lot of tax payer money, so let us vote how it is spent.

YES 54 :: Legislature. Legislation and Proceedings. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.
*The proposition seems like it could make the politics more legit.

NO 55 :: Tax Extension to Fund Education and Healthcare. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.
*Not planning to have kids that would be school age and affected by this.

YES 56 :: Cigarette Tax to Fund Healthcare, Tobacco Use Prevention, Research, and Law Enforcement. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.
*Make cigarettes more expense so people stop smoking and start blazing.

YES 57 :: Criminal Sentences. Parole. Juvenile Criminal Proceedings and Sentencing. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.
*Give some of them a shot at redemption and save tax money.

YES 58 :: English Proficiency. Multilingual Education. Initiative Statute.
*Teach them the best way possible.

YES 59 :: Corporations. Political Spending. Federal Constitutional Protections. Legislative Advisory Question.
*Less money invested in bullshit = more focus on the issues.

YES 60 :: Adult Films. Condoms. Health Requirements. Initiative Statute.
*Public health care is important.

NO 61 :: State Prescription Drug Purchases. Pricing Standards. Initiative Statute.
*Public health care is important. This could raise prices and disadvantage low income patients.

NO 62 :: Death Penalty. Initiative Statute.
*Keep the death penalty, create more jobs, and make the process faster without jeopardizing integrity of the justice system.

NO 63 :: Firearms. Ammunition Sales. Initiative Statute.
*Guns and legal gun owners do not kill innocent people. Protect the constitution.

YES 64 :: Marijuana Legalization. Initiative Statute.
*Voted for change/progress despite being covered by Proposition 215.

YES 65 :: Carry-Out Bags. Charges. Initiative Statute.
*If you are going to charge/tax for bags to save the environment then the money should go to the environment.

YES 66 :: Death Penalty. Procedures. Initiative Statute.
*Keep the death penalty, create more jobs, and make the process faster without jeopardizing integrity of the justice system.

YES 67 :: Ban on Single-Use Plastic Bags. Referendum.
*If you are going to charge/tax for bags to save the environment then the money should go to the environment.

(voted yes on two of three of the missing propositions)

Do your own research starting @ sample ballot, voter guide, and http://voterguide.sos.ca.gov/en/quick-reference-guide

*Reserving the right to change the following opinions:

(watched the other debates, but have been dealing with too much bullshit to blog about everything)

9/26/16 :: The first presidential debate was less savage than expected. Still undecided... Trump appears straightforward and has big business experience. Clinton sure did seem prepared, but to the rehearsed and untrustworthy point. She is obviously very intelligent and possibly fit. They both have the look like that matters, but does Clinton have the stamina? Trump does not pay federal taxes, and most businesses are probably also smart enough to evade taxes, so raising rates might not be truly effective. Interesting how the candidates were wearing reversed colors. True colors? USA needs real change and not a puppet for president.

7/30/16 :: Watched Hillary, Bill, Obama, and Bernie's speeches at the DNC and Trump's speech at the RNC. Now undecided between Trump, Hillary, or throwing the vote to "Peace and Freedom." Bill Clinton was a good President, looked happy, healthy, and it was kinda cool hearing him and Obama talk up Hillary. Trump is probably right about a rigged election and Burn E got burned.

6/26/16 :: Just when Russell was about to post that he decided to vote for Trump, news came that Burn E was still in it. Coincidentally, Russell stumbled upon a randomly cool Bern E rally that shut down Sunset Blvd. in front of the CNN building in Hollywood. #RockTheVote @BernieSanders

2/17/16 :: Watching the presidential debates was the first research Russell did on most of the candidates for the upcoming election. Reading tweets does not make for an informed decision FYI. Based mostly on the debates; thinking Bernie right now. Trump is cool, but not sure if he should be President. Cruz and Rubio seem like fags and that is not an attack on sexuality. Probably should not put another Bush in office, and Hillary has too much cock, so Bill’s bj was probably more justified than lying about not inhaling. Think it is going to be Bernie or Trump; still undecided might vote for “Peace and Freedom” again. Actually agree with most of the candidate circus: persevere the constitution, national security, and free will, fix health care and reform the justice system, tax the wealth, create jobs, etc., but who should lead the nation? Who is more about action than banter? Have the people even heard of the other candidates? Got thoughts?



Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton, 
Roque DeLaFuente

Jeb Bush
, Ben Carson
, Ted Cruz,

John Kasich
, Marco Rubio, 
Donald Trump

Third Party Candidates:
Gary Johnson (Libertarian)
, Jill Stein (Green),

Potential: Michael Bloomberg (Independent)


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