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This newsletter started to turn into a biographical summary, which is still being written and is to be published ASAP. The True OG often thinks he has seen every trick in the book that does not exist < wrote the book; was stolen and leaked; to how many is unknown < but the evolution of original genius and real revolution is easy ammunition for doubling up on the length of that book and writing a book about the book, etc. The plan has always been to continue the story by writing a trilogy of screenplays and then both produce and direct movies further down the line. Currently considering publishing a version one as is with side notes about changes that would have been made if it did not leak; possibly to be released with the new bio, then back to web development and show production.
Business Updates
Minor Development, Publishing Daily, & Tweeting @ RR
Sub Page Development, BTS Maps/Directory & User Accounts @ WC
Social Media & SEO Development oN All Platforms
Seeking Funding & Clients & Commission Based Sales
Filed "RRP OG LLC"
= "Russell Rope Productions'
Original Genius Limited Liability Company"
Dissolved Weed Connection LLC
Getting TM, DBA(s)/FNS(s)
Legal Updates
Still Awaiting Response To Chief App ReSend
Probably Going To ReSend Again
FYI Alphabet/Google/YouTube Trying To Steal IP w/New Feature
"Allow Sampling" Default Turned On All Videos
Publicized Some Information About Bogus Loitering Citation
More PR Stories NQ
Planning To File Civil Suit Against Car Dealer
Considering Lawsuit Against Gym oF 7 Years
Personal Update
Slowly Restoring/Pimping My Ride DiY Steez aS Possible
Daily Beast Mode STRONGRR Than Ever; No Daze Off
GTFOH w/Stalkers & iNeed My Healing Space
Give RR The Loot By Definition & As Specified
Still Learning Architecture & Relevant Engineering